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Tennessee ranks 11th in the nation for drunk driving

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2022 | blog, Drunk Driving |

Drunk driving continues to cause injuries and claim lives across Tennessee and the rest of the United States. Yet, many motorists continue to engage in this unsafe driving behavior. Research shows that Tennessee motorists face a higher chance of encountering a drunk driver than drivers in most other states. This means they also face a higher chance of suffering an injury or fatality in an alcohol-involved car wreck.

According to Bankrate, Tennessee currently ranks 11th in the nation for drunk driving.

Tennessee drunk driving statistics

Tennessee’s 11th-place ranking comes after a review of the alcohol-related fatalities that took place within state lines between 2009 and 2018. The percentage of adults in the state who admit to over-drinking is also a determining factor, and so, too, is the rate at which full-coverage automotive insurance increases after a drunk driving arrest. Between 2009 and 2018, there were 2,663 alcohol-related road deaths in Tennessee. Also, 1.4% of adult residents acknowledge overdrinking. Furthermore, the typical Tennessee auto insurance policy rises an average of $1,466 a year after a conviction for drunk driving.

National drunk driving statistics

On the national level, 102,657 people died in crashes involving alcohol between 2009 and 2018. Also, nationally, the percentage of adults who admit to over-indulging with alcohol is 1.7%, which is slightly higher than that seen throughout Tennessee.

When motorists drink alcohol before getting behind the wheel, they endanger everyone they encounter. When a drunk driver’s actions lead to injuries or fatalities, the victims, or the victim’s loved ones, may have grounds to pursue a claim against the responsible party.