Decades Of Legal Advocacy For Personal Injury And Workers' Comp Cases

Aggressive, Compassionate Representation In Wrongful Death Cases

When an accidental death turns out to be a preventable one, it’s another blow to the grieving survivors. A wrongful death lawsuit is part justice and part compensation. It holds the wrongdoers accountable for the negligence, and it provides monetary damages to replace the economic contributions of the loved one who was killed.

Attorney Steve Waldron understands that you are focused on recovering from the emotional loss. However, prevailing in a wrongful death action may require immediate attention to preserve evidence. He aims to handle every aspect of the case so that family members don’t have to.

He aggressively investigates all of his cases, while working to make the process as smooth and pain-free as possible for clients. Although R. Steven Waldron, Attorney at Law, is located locally in Murfreesboro, he fights for clients throughout Tennessee.

About Wrongful Death Claims In Tennessee

Damages are generally limited to pecuniary value – funeral expenses, medical bills and the lost future earnings of the deceased based on life expectancy. If a child was killed, projected earnings might be based on the parents’ education or income.

Damages can include (a) conscious pain and suffering of the person prior to death and (b) punitive damages if the death was caused by fraudulent, reckless, intentional or malicious acts. Survivors can also seek to recover from the emotional distress and loss of companionship or love.

Attorney Waldron has handled a wide range of cases, from fatal auto crashes to deadly fires, drownings and electrocutions. He uses all of the resources available to trace and prove the negligence in every case.

Free Case Evaluation And Explanation Of Rights

There is a statute of limitations for wrongful death lawsuits. As soon as you suspect that negligent or intentional acts led to your loved one’s death, contact R. Steven Waldron, Attorney at Law, to begin the investigation. Mr. Waldron is truly sorry for your loss and will do everything in his power to secure the rightful – and needed – compensation. To schedule a free consultation, call 615-890-7365 or fill out an online contact form.