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Statistics on motor vehicle accident deaths in 2020

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2020 | Car Accidents |

Whether you are struck by a drunk driver or involved in an accident caused by someone going over the speed limit or using their phone behind the wheel, there are many risk factors to watch out for when it comes to driving or riding in a vehicle. Sadly, many of these accidents result in the loss of life, which often has a wide-reaching impact on families. Every year, too many people die in motor vehicle accidents that were completely preventable and only took place because of a driver’s negligent behavior.

It is important for drivers to understand the prevalence of motor vehicle accident deaths and take steps to reduce the likelihood of a crash. In the event that a fatal traffic crash occurs, families need to fight for justice if someone else’s recklessness caused the collision.

Reviewing data on traffic crash deaths

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, estimates suggest that the number of motor vehicle accident deaths during the first six months of 2020 declined by 2% in comparison to 2019. However, more than 16,000 people lost their lives in traffic collisions between January and June of 2020. Moreover, while traffic crash deaths declined, the number of vehicle miles traveled in this period also declined by roughly 16.6%, meaning that people were more likely to die in traffic collisions during the first six months of 2020 than in 2019.

Reviewing the impact of fatal traffic crashes

Aside from cutting lives short too early, deadly motor vehicle accidents have other consequences. Many families face financial uncertainty and lasting emotional trauma after losing someone they love in a collision. Whether someone loses their spouse, child, sibling or close friend in an accident, these collisions are often very devastating.